Monday, May 24, 2010

It is now May....

And I have been...terrible about everything :-(

I wasn't keeping in touch with Liz, I wasn't up to doing anything at all ....and knowing all that makes me really sad. The only excuse is....REAL LIFE.

My real life got the best of me, and for that I am so sorry for letting Liz down, and for letting you guys down as well.

But........a huge update is that you should never weigh yourself on your period. Apparently it's because of all the water retention and whatnot, and all the extra eating you do because of your period that you weigh more. You should always you know strive to not eat that ice cream, but sometimes it's all you can do when you have your "monthly gift."

Other than that, my husband and I bought an exercise bike. We did it to better our health. I used it for the first time last night. Not bad actually.

What I did was the equivalent to running a mile and half in 14 minutes about. I think I did pretty good :-) As long as you keep your heart rate up for 30 mins or should be good to go.

I plan on doing this bike every night (yeah yeah I say it now but I will never do it). But seriously...why pay for a piece of equipment that you will never use? My husband has already used it twice, and I plan on using it once a day. Maybe if we get a TV to put above the bike I will be able to watch my shows and bike at the same time :-)

But yes, last night I biked for about 3 miles it says. I burned 114 calories. And with my weight as it is, that was the equivalent to running a mile and a half in 14:11 or so :-) I hate running, so biking can be my new alternative.

I hope to continue this, and I hope that Liz also continues to post too. Like we said earlier, you will hear about our failures, us reaching our limits and how our real lives can affect us. I just didn't realize that it had been so long since I had posted :-(