Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An update and a little teeny rant...ish

About 4 weeks ago, my computer broke. The keypad wouldn't work, so, no blog. Well, no lot of things, really, but, for the intent and purpose of this post, no blog. Then, I went out of town for two weeks, so no blog. Not that I'm making excuses or anything...

Anyway, I'm home, computer is somewhat fixed, and so I'm back, and bigger than ever! Literally. Well, not literally, literally....but I certainally haven't lost any weight.

A bit of good news is that I've found a running buddy! Woo! Bad news? She can't run for about 4 more weeks, as she is recovering from a C-Section...but thats ok. We'll both have to take it slow.
I know, I could start running now, with the hubby, but...Does anyone else find it incredibly hard to do things like that with their spouse, or s/o? I mean...he doesn't discourage me or anything like that, but...there is absolutely no room for leeway with him! Before he came home, in October, I had lost, probably about 10-15 lbs on my own, just by dieting. Then he came back, and BAM, it all came right back, and then some.

Now, trying to diet with him home, I am seeing the same thing. We both want to lose weight, we both need to, but for some reason, its so hard for me to do it when he's around! (That sounds really bad...I don't really want him to leave or anything like that, its just....GAH!)

Anyway, I am definitely going to be more faithful about posting here, and try to be more faithful to my dieting!

