Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This has to be a lifestyle change.

This HAS to be a lifestyle change. It has to be. There is no other choice if I want to lose weight and keep it off. When someone asks if I want to go grab a bite to eat, I have to say no. I can't do drive-thrus anymore. They have killed my progress entirely.

I was down to 193.6. Was. Then I went on a two day splurge and gained most of the weight back. I'm back up over 200. How did that happen!? It's so depressing. Which makes me want to eat. Which, right now, be proud, I'm not doing.


Anyway, I went and joined a different gym this past weekend. Why? They offer classes and childcare! My plan is to go at least 5 days/week this month. I'd like to go 6/week, but we'll see.

Yesterday I did a class called Body Pump. It was my first class there, and can I ask, WHY didn't someone slap me?! I'm so out of shape it isn't even funny, and I went and did a fool thing like take a class called Body Pump?!?! I have a severe case of jelly legs!

Today, in an effort to stretch out my poor muscles, I took my first ever Yoga class. Wow! I loved it. Can't wait to try it when I'm not sore and tired! Should be great. Tomorrow...well, I was planning on taking a Zumba class tomorrow morning, but depending on how I feel, that may not be able to happen. Dancing around on these sore legs would not be fun.

So, here's to you. And my lunch, whenever it comes. Cheers!


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