Friday, July 30, 2010

A healthy food rant.

Today would have been Day 4 sans caffeine, however, this morning I decided to start taking the Green Tea capsules again. I started eating a lot more once I quit taking them. Whether its because I wasn't taking them, or the fact that I'm a little stressed out, I don't know. But either way, I decided to start again.

Still not going to drink any caffeine though. No soda OR sweet tea! Its hard, but I know it'll be worth it!

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and, not for the first time, realized how dang expensive it is to eat healthy! I tell you, I am positively torn! Between buying good, healthy foods and snacks and saving money! Normally, I spend approx. $90 on groceries for 2 weeks. I thought there would be a drastic difference this pay day, since my hubby is in training and won't be home at all. I was sure that I'd have like, a $40 grocery bill. WRONG! Now, I didn't spend too much, only $70- something, but still!

I mean, I didn't buy any junk food! None! I bought avocados (a dollar a piece!), melon, lots of fruit, some good juice, and some almonds, for snacks. It's so much cheaper to just buy a bag of chips, or some crackers! that was my little rant. Hopefully I'll start losing weight again, with taking the capsules. Here's hoping.


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