Sunday, April 25, 2010

I have been lax....

And then some. I will update you from Thursday until today.

Thursday: I did a Pilates work out, and I did a Dance Off work out. Man Pilates kicked my behind. I really should have stretched out my hamstrings more, and I know I said this in my last post, but I really could have used that stretch. My thighs were killing me all day. The Dance Off was okay, but I found out that I am so not a dance person. I feel stupid dancing, and I didn't feel as if my abs got a work out, but my heart was pumping and I was sweating a little, so I guess it's a good thing right? I also went to the commissary and got Special K protein shakes. I drank one yesterday after lunch, but I was still hungry afterwards, so I had some bread (I know...I'm terrible). But, the good thing, was that a couple of hours after I had the shake, I didn't feel like eating, so maybe it only works before you start to get hungry? Maybe I should have read up on that....haha. So we will see how that goes.

Friday: I was summoned by my grandmother to go to her house. So, early in the morning instead of working out, I went to my grandmother's house. I didn't even work out at night. Terrible!! But I promise to make it up over the week though. Not only because I owe it to myself, but I owe it to Liz..haha :-).

Saturday: I did not do anything at all. My son has been sick for awhile, he's been fighting a fever, and he just wants to scream really, for the sake of screaming :-(. Dealing with him screaming at night, and during the day really sucks. I hate feeling all sluggish in the mornings :-(

Today: I haven't done anything today, but that doesn't mean that I won't. If I do something, I will update you all. :-)

Liz was talking about failures, and I feel as if I did fail a little. But, that doesn't mean that I'm way off goal here. At least I started something, which is a lot better than what I was doing before....which was nothing. So here's to a better week for everybody!

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